Why Does My Cat Keep Pooping In The Shower? (4 Reasons and Solved)

  • December 20, 2022

It’s a situation we all dread – waking up in the morning to find that your beloved pet has used the shower as an impromptu bathroom. No matter how much you love them, it’s an issue that must be dealt with urgently. Cleaning up after your cat is a time-consuming and unpleasant task, which can make future baths less than enjoyable. It’s important to quickly determine why they might be doing this and take action to ensure it doesn’t keep happening. By understanding the underlying reasons for their behavior, you’ll be able to provide them with a solution so no one will have to deal with this kind of mess again.

There are a few possible reasons why your cat might be peeing in the shower. 

  • First, cats may be trying to mark their territory by marking where they live and work – the bathroom is likely one of these places. 
  • Second, some cats may have problems with bladder control or diabetes, which can cause them to need to go frequently. 
  • Third, some cats get really excited when they see water droplets hitting tiles or floorboards – this could trigger an urge to urinate. 
  • Finally, sometimes animals will seek out new locations outside the home where they can relieve themselves (such as in a neighbor’s garden). 

If you notice that your cat always pees near the shower or takes great pleasure in doing so, it might be worth consulting a veterinarian about what could be causing these behaviors.

Talk About Why Cats Might Do This – Could Be A Number Of Reasons

There is no single answer to this question, as the reason your cat keeps pooping in the shower could be due to a number of possible reasons. Some potential causes of your cat peeing and pooping in the shower include: 

  • Anxiety or stress: A stressed-out or anxious kitty may feel territorial about his or her bathroom area, and will resort to urine marking (pooping) as a way of asserting control. If you’re able to address your cat’s anxiety or stress factors, it may help reduce his tendency to soil areas he perceives as being dangerous. 
  • Difficulty adjusting to new surroundings: If you’ve recently moved into a new home with an unfamiliar layout – including potentially different bathrooms – your pet may find it difficult to adjust. This can lead him/her to mark territory throughout the house in an attempt for comfort and reassurance. 
  • Urinary tract problems: Sometimes cats suffering from urinary tract issues will seek out high levels of moisture (e.g., via rainwater) wherever they can find it, including inside their homes through leaks and cracks in roofs, etc. In cases like these, cleaning up after your cat frequently enough may help alleviate symptoms such as frequent urination and feces spraying indoors).

If you think one of these explanations might be applicable to your situation, then consulting with a veterinarian who specializes in feline medicine would likely be the best course of action.

Offer Solutions To Help Stop Your Cat From Pooping In The Shower

There are a few things that you can do to help stop your cat from pooping in the shower.

  • Make sure there is plenty of food and water available for your pet, especially during times when they’re likely to be toileting more frequently. Offer them regular snacks and meals, and make sure their food is kept fresh.
  • Place sturdy litter boxes in strategic locations near the bathroom so that your cat has easy access to them without having to go outside. Litterboxes should be placed high enough so that water cannot pool inside of them, and scooped regularly to avoid clumps forming.
  • Train your cat using positive reinforcement by rewarding good behavior with treats or toys when they use the litter box correctly. Provide clear directions on how to use the litter box as well, so that your pet knows what’s expected of them.

How Can I Stop My Cat From Pooping In The Shower?

There’s no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the best way to stop your cat from pooping in the shower may vary depending on the individual cat and situation. However, some tips that may help include training your cat using positive reinforcement (food rewards or petting), installing a litter box outside of the bathroom, and providing plenty of enticing playtime for your kitty indoors.

Tips To Help Solve The Problem

Tips To Help Solve The Problem

There are a few things you can do to help solve the problem your cat is having with urinating in the shower. 

  • Make sure there’s enough space for your cat to roam around inside and outside of the home. Providing them with plenty of toys, exercise, and other activities will help keep them occupied and less likely to want to go near water or toilets.
  • Train your cat not to pee in the house by rewarding him or her when they stop doing so. This could involve treats (like canned food) hidden around the house, or special playtime sessions outdoors where toileting is allowed.
  • If all else fails, consider getting a pet fence that will prevent your cat from entering areas where they’re not supposed to go (such as inside of the shower).

Final Say

Regardless of the reason, behind this strange habit is a cat who has a problem that needs to be addressed. It may take time for your cat to get used to going outside if it doesn’t already have enough litter boxes around the house. In the meantime, keep an eye on how often your cat poops and try addressing any health issues before they become worse.

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