What is the life expectancy of Ragdolls?

  • December 30, 2022

The life expectancy of a Ragdoll is typically between 12 and 15 years, though some cats have been known to reach the ripe old age of 20. The breed is generally considered quite healthy, with fewer hereditary diseases than other breeds and a relaxed nature, which helps prolong its life. Of course, providing your Ragdoll with plenty of love and proper care can help them live even longer. Regular veterinary check-ups are also a great way to monitor their health and make sure they stay in tip-top shape as they get older. So give them lots of love and attention, feed them quality food, and get regular veterinary care if you want to maximize their lifespan.

What is a Ragdoll?

A Ragdoll cat is a breed of house cat that was developed in the early 1980s by breeder Ann Sewell. The name derives from the characteristic feature of these cats – their ability to hang limply by their tail after being struck, hence their nickname “rag doll.”Ragdolls are typically gentle and quiet animals, but they can be playful and spirited when provoked. They make great pets for those who want an easygoing feline friend without much fuss. 

The life expectancy of a Ragdoll

There are 2 combined genes of two Siamese cats – 

  1. One With Long Fur 
  2. And One With Short Fur

To create a new, unique breed of feline. Ragdolls are known for their gentle nature and high level of intelligence. They tend to be loyal pets who enjoy being around people, but they can also be independent if they’re not supervised frequently enough. Ragdolls typically have a lifespan of 18-20 years, but some cats may live up to 25 or even 30 years old! This longevity is due in part to their genetic makeup (which includes healthy amounts of both long and short fur), as well as their diet (which consists mainly of grains and low-fat food).

So Why Are Ragdolls Such Good Pet Choices?

They’re playful yet docile, intelligent but easygoing, and very unlikely to cause any problems whatsoever. Plus, ragdoll cats make great conversation starters because they have so many interesting personality traits!

Breeds similar to the Ragdoll

There are many breeds of cats that resemble the Ragdoll cat, but the following 4 are some of the most common. If you’re looking for a cat that has all of the characteristics of a Ragdoll, one or more of these may be perfect for you!

  • Siamese: The Siamese is known for its beautiful coat and playful nature. They share some basic physical traits with Ragdolls – namely, their triangular heads and large eyes – so they would make great companions if you’re also interested in adopting a rag-doll-like personality.
  • Birman: Another breed often mistaken for Ragsies is the Birman. These cats have long furry coats and big round ears, which makes them look almost like little rabbits! Like other rag dolls, Birmans tend to be very active and love to play fetch.
  • Manx: A Manx is similar to both Sphynxes (a cat with a long hairless tail) and Ragdolls (due to its dirty-white fur). They are typically stocky cats with broad shoulders who have relatively short legs due to their heavy body weight. Because they lack any kind of guard hairs on their skin (except around their face), Manxes can get easily irritated by humidity or dust mites. 
  • Sphynx: One distinctive trait worth noting about Sphynxes is that unlike other cat breeds their coats gradually transition from black at the top into lighter colors as they descend towards the ground.

Health concerns specific to the Ragdoll breed

There are many health concerns specific to the Ragdoll cat breed, some of which are listed below. If you have a Ragdoll cat, it’s important to be aware of these risks and take steps to prevent them from happening.

  • Increased vulnerability to coronavirus: The ragdoll is a highly susceptible breed of cat that is frequently exposed to the coronavirus. This virus can cause serious respiratory problems in cats, including pneumonia and even death. It’s important for owners of ragdolls to keep their cats vaccinated against the virus and monitor them closely for signs of infection.
  • Eye diseases: Ragdolls are prone to eye diseases such as uveitis (an inflammatory condition in the middle layer of the eye) and panosteitis (inflammation or swelling around bones in various areas). Regular examination by your veterinarian is advised so that any abnormalities can be detected early on and treated appropriately.
  • Hernia: Cats with hernias often experience discomfort and pain due to abdominal pressure building up inside their abdomen. Treatment may include surgery or medication administered through an IV drip while the hernia remains open permitting easy access for medical personnel。

Diet for a Ragdoll

A Ragdoll cat’s diet is an important part of keeping it healthy and happy. As a relatively large breed, these cats do best with an appropriately-sized and balanced diet including both wet and dry food. Fresh, high-quality ingredients should be used whenever possible, and feedings should be scheduled regularly to ensure nutrient needs are being met. Special dietary adaptations may also need to be made as necessary – for example, Ragdolls can tend to suffer from obesity, so portion sizes may need to be adjusted accordingly. With the right diet and a bit of extra attention to their nutritional needs, these lovely cats will stay happy and healthy!

However, some general guidelines that may be helpful include:

  • Feed your Ragdoll cat high-quality food that consists mostly of meat and vegetables. Avoid foods with artificial flavors or preservatives, which can cause health problems in cats.
  • Make sure their food is fresh and available at all times. Your cat won’t eat well if it can’t access it quickly enough when they’re hungry.
  • Keep their water dish full at all times, especially during hot weather months when drinking more water helps keep them hydrated and cool down faster.

How to take care of your Ragdoll

If you’re thinking about getting a Ragdoll cat, be sure to read up on the proper care for this unique breed. Like most cats, Ragdolls require plenty of attention and love if they’re going to live a healthy and happy life. 

Here are some things you need to know in order to take good care of your Ragdoll cat: 

  • Take your Ragdoll to the vet regularly so they can check their health and receive any necessary vaccinations.
  • Feed them high-quality food that is tailored specifically for cats – not kibble or canned food designed for dogs. Cats eat primarily meat, which is why they need proteins, minerals, vitamins A and C (in adequate amounts), water, and fiber in their diets.
  • Brush your Ragdoll regularly using a soft brush with natural ingredients like hay or catnip. This will keep their coat clean and disease free.
  • Play with your Ragdoll frequently – it’ll help keep them entertained and relaxed during stressful times.

Final Thought

With such a long life expectancy, it’s no surprise that Ragdoll cats are in high demand. They’re happy and friendly cats, which can make them great pets for those looking for companionship. While they might not be quite as active as other breeds, Ragdolls are known to love being around people and will happily follow their owner around the house.

Cats are often associated with being aloof and independent, but your Ragdoll will prove you wrong if you give them the proper care they need! Just be sure to monitor their health regularly by scheduling regular vet appointments for your Ragdoll.


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