Can Self-Cleaning Litter Boxes Be Used With Litter Made From Non-traditional Materials?


Yes, self-cleaning litter boxes can be used with litter made from non-traditional materials. The key is to make sure the material is durable enough to handle the increased wear and tear that comes with cleaning the box regularly. Some common materials used in self-cleaning litter boxes are carbon fiber, high-density plastic foam, and stainless steel mesh.

It depends on the specific self-cleaning litter box and the type of non-traditional litter being used. 

  • Some self-cleaning litter boxes are designed to work with specific types of litter, such as clay or crystal litter, and may not be compatible with other materials. 
  • Other self-cleaning litter boxes may be able to accommodate a wider range of litter, including those made from non-traditional materials such as recycled paper or plant-based products. 

It is important to carefully read the manufacturer’s instructions and recommendations before using a self-cleaning cat box with any type of litter, including those made from non-traditional materials. In general, it is best to use the litter that is specifically recommended by the manufacturer to ensure the best performance and longevity of the litter box.

What is non-traditional cat litter made from?

There are a number of different types of non-traditional cat litter made from various materials. Some examples include clay, paper, rice, wheat germ, cornstarch, and beans.

  • Clay – is the most popular type of non-traditional cat litter because it absorbs moisture well and traps urine and feces in sand or clay particles. It also has anti-bacterial properties that help to keep your cat’s environment clean.
  • Paper – is another common type of non-traditional cat litter because it is absorbent but doesn’t clump like other types of litter do. Paper Also releases pent-up carbon dioxide during use which makes it an eco-friendly option as well!
  • Rice – husks are grated into small pieces and mixed with water to create a wet mixture that can be used as regular kitty litter Boxes filled only halfway with this slurry will last for around two weeks before needing to be replaced.
  • Wheat germ – is a type of litter made from wheat flour, water, and salt. It’s a natural deodorizer and helps to control the pH level in your cat’s environment.
  • Cornstarch – is another type of wet litter that absorbs moisture well and prevents odors from building up. Like other types of wet litter, it can also be used as a dusting powder for furniture or dainty items around the house!
  • Beans – are a type of non-traditional cat litter made from dried beans that have been ground into small pieces and mixed with water to create a slurry. Beans are a good choice because they’re high in fiber, which helps to keep your cat’s bowel movements regular.

Are there any risks involved?

There are some potential risks involved with using non-traditional cat litter.

  • One risk is that your cat may not accept the new type of litter, which could lead to them refusing to use the litter box and potentially causing accidents around the house. 
  • Additionally, some non-traditional cat litters may contain ingredients that are harmful to cats if ingested, such as certain types of wood or plant-based litters. 

It is important to do your research and choose a litter that is safe and suitable for your cat’s needs. You should also be sure to follow the instructions for use carefully and regularly clean the litter box to minimize any potential risks.

The benefits and drawbacks of non – traditional cat litter

Cat litter made from non-traditional materials, such as wood shavings, newspaper, or plant-based materials, is a popular alternative to traditional clay litter. These types of litter may have certain benefits over clay litter, including being more environmentally friendly, biodegradable, and/or less dusty. However, there are also some potential drawbacks to consider.


  • Environmentally friendly: Non-traditional litters, such as wood shavings or plant-based materials, are often made from renewable resources and may be more environmentally friendly than clay litter.
  • Biodegradable: Some non-traditional litters, such as newspaper or plant-based materials, are biodegradable, which means they can break down naturally over time.
  • Less dusty: Some non-traditional litters may produce less dust than clay litter, which can be a benefit for cat owners who are sensitive to dust or have cats with respiratory issues.


  • Absorbency: Non-traditional litters may not be as absorbent as clay litter, which can make them less effective at controlling odors.
  • Tracking: Some types of non-traditional litter, such as wood shavings, may be more prone to tracking (getting stuck to your cat’s paws and spreading around the house) than clay litter.
  • Compatibility with self-cleaning litter boxes: Some self-cleaning cat box may not be compatible with non-traditional litter, so it’s important to check the manufacturer’s recommendations before using a non-traditional litter in a self-cleaning box.

Overall, non-traditional litters may be a good option for some cat owners, but it’s important to consider the pros and cons and whether they are a good fit for your household.

What is an automatic litter box?

An automatic litter box is a type of litter box that uses a mechanical arm to scoop waste into a covered compartment after the cat has used the cat box. 

  • These litter boxes are designed to make the process of maintaining a litter box easier and more hygienic, as they do not require manual scooping and cleaning. 
  • Automatic litter boxes typically use a sensor to detect when the cat has used the litter box and then activate the mechanical arm to scoop the waste into the covered compartment. 
  • Some automatic litter boxes also have features such as odor control systems and automatic litter refills. 

Automatic litter boxes can be more expensive than traditional litter boxes and may require more maintenance or repairs, but they can be a convenient and hygienic choice for many cat owners.

Are self-cleaning litter boxes safe to use with non-traditional litter?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the risks associated with using self-cleaning litter boxes depend on a variety of factors, including the types and amounts of non-traditional litter that is used. However, some general guidelines that may be useful include: 

  • Always monitor your cat while they are using the box to make sure they aren’t getting into any dangerous materials. If you notice anything suspicious, stop using the box immediately and consult a veterinarian. 
  • Make sure there is enough ventilation around the box so that it doesn’t get too humid or hot inside. This can increase the chances of bacterial growth and respiratory problems for your cat.

The Pros and Cons of using self-cleaning litter boxes with non-traditional litters

Self-cleaning litter boxes can be a convenient option for cat owners, as they automatically remove waste from the litter box, reducing the need for manual cleaning. However, there are also some potential drawbacks to consider when using a self-cleaning litter box with non-traditional litters.


  • Reduced need for manual cleaning: Self-cleaning litter boxes can be a great convenience for busy cat owners, as they automatically remove waste from the litter box, reducing the need for manual cleaning.
  • Improved hygiene: Self-cleaning litter boxes can help to reduce odors and improve overall hygiene in the home by removing waste from the litter box more frequently.
  • Convenience for multiple cats: If you have multiple cats, a self-cleaning cat box can be especially convenient, as it can help to reduce the amount of waste in the litter box and minimize the need for frequent cleaning.


  • Initial cost: Self-cleaning litter boxes can be more expensive than traditional litter boxes, so they may not be a feasible option for everyone.
  • Limited litter options: Some self-cleaning litter boxes may not be compatible with certain types of litter, including non-traditional litters like wood shavings or newspaper.
  • Noise: Some self-cleaning litter boxes can be noisy when they are in operation, which may be a concern for some cat owners.
  • Limited size: Self-cleaning litter boxes may be too small for larger cats, or for households with multiple cats.


Overall, self-cleaning litter boxes can be a convenient option for cat owners, but it’s important to consider the potential drawbacks and whether they are a good fit for your household.

Final Say


It is generally safe to use cat litter made from non-traditional materials, as long as you choose a product that is safe and suitable for your cat’s needs. It is important to do your research and consider factors such as your cat’s preferences, the material used in the litter, and any potential health risks associated with the litter. Some non-traditional cat litters, such as those made from plant-based materials or recycled paper, may have environmental benefits and maybe more sustainable options compared to traditional clay litters. However, it is important to keep in mind that every cat is different, and what works for one may not work for another. It may be necessary to try out a few different types of litter to find the one that works best for your cat.


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