How Much Wet Food Should I Feed a Ragdoll Cat ( Full Guide)


Ragdoll cats are natural grazers, so it’s important to provide your furry friend with a steady supply of wet food throughout the day. The average adult Ragdoll should eat between 4-6 ounces of wet food daily, divided into two or three small meals. To ensure your cat is receiving all the right nutrients in the right amounts, feeding them a high-quality product specifically formulated for their breed is a great idea. 

To further promote a healthy diet, you can supplement their meals with fresh fruits and vegetables as occasional treats. If you’re ever unsure about how much-wet food to give your Ragdoll, always consult with your veterinarian for an opinion tailored to your pet.

What is a Ragdoll cat and what do they eat

Ragdoll cats are a beloved breed, characterized by their fluffy fur and sweet nature. Their name reflects the way they rest calmly in the arms of their owner. Ragdolls are patient, affectionate cats that love being part of the family, making them ideal pets for those with children or other pets. Diet-wise, Ragdoll cats need a well-balanced diet similar to other domestic cat breeds and should usually be fed a combination of wet food and dried kibble. 

  • They need monitored amounts of fat, protein, carbohydrates, and essential fatty acids which equates to roughly 35% proteins and 10 – 15% fats from quality animal sources like chicken, fish, or beef. 
  • Adding Vitamins A & D to the diet will also help maintain a healthy coat. As with most cats, treats should only make up around 5% of your pet’s daily food intake.

How much-wet food should I feed my Ragdoll cat?

The amount of wet food that you should feed your Ragdoll cat will depend on several factors, including their age, size, weight, and activity level. It’s important to follow the feeding guidelines on the cat food packaging, as well as consult with your veterinarian for specific recommendations for your cat.

  • In general, adult Ragdoll cats should be fed a high-quality, nutritionally balanced diet that meets their specific needs. This can include wet or dry food or a combination of both. Wet food may be more appropriate for Ragdolls, as it tends to have higher protein and moisture content, which can be beneficial for their overall health.
  • You can offer wet food as a treat or mix it with dry food to add variety to your cat’s diet. If you choose to feed your cat wet food exclusively, it’s important to follow the feeding guidelines on the cat food packaging to ensure that they are getting the right amount of food.

It’s also a good idea to monitor your cat’s weight and adjust their food intake accordingly to prevent obesity, which can lead to other health problems. If you have any concerns about your cat’s nutrition or feeding habits, it’s always a good idea to consult with your veterinarian for guidance. They can help you develop a feeding plan that is tailored to your cat’s specific needs and can provide additional tips and recommendations.

What are the benefits of feeding a Ragdoll cat wet food

Ragdoll cats have specific dietary needs that make wet food the best option for their nutrition requirements. 

  • Wet food is high in essential nutrients for Ragdolls, such as protein and taurine, and helps keep moisture levels at ideal levels. 
  • Feeding a Ragdoll wet food also helps prevent the development of dental problems like tartar build-up, due to the soft texture of wet food making it easier for cats to chew and swallow. 
  • Wet food contains more calories than dry food, giving a Ragdoll an extra kick of energy while ensuring they don’t become overweight. 

With so many nutritional benefits, it is no surprise that feeding a Ragdoll wet food is the go-to choice for owners who want their beloved pet to lead a happy and healthy life.

What are the risks of not feeding a Ragdoll cat wet food

Not feeding a Ragdoll cat wet food as part of their regular diet can pose a number of risks to their health. 

  • Lack of hydration due to the lower moisture content in dry foods can lead to urinary and kidney problems, including infections and crystals. 
  • In addition, they may not be getting adequate nutrition since meat-based wet food contains more essential vitamins and amino acids than plant-based kibble. 
  • Furthermore, Ragdolls are especially prone to obesity due to their sedentary nature, so wet food can help them stay on track with weight management and maintain a healthy lifestyle. 

Ultimately, it is important for owners to provide their cats with canned and wet food if they want them to remain fit, happy, and healthy. it’s also important to know: if cat food runs out, what do we’ve to do?

How to transition your Ragdoll cat from dry food to wet food

Transitioning your Ragdoll cat to wet food can offer numerous benefits. Although a change of diet sounds like it would be stressful for your feline, it doesn’t have to be an unpleasant experience nor cause any digestive issues. 

  • Start by first mixing small amounts of wet food into dry food while gradually increasing the ratio. 
  • Make sure there is always fresh water available, and that the wet food is kept in a clean bowl or container and replaced after sixteen hours. 
  • Even though you may face some initial resistance from your four-legged friend, soon enough they will enjoy the taste of their new meal. 
  • In order to make this process successful, remain consistent with the amount of wet and dry food you are giving your cat with each meal; it will take time for them to adjust and eventually make a full transition. 

Once they do, however, you will be glad you took the extra steps!

Final Thought

Ragdolls can be very picky about what they eat, but this doesn’t mean you should start giving them treats every now and then. Instead, keep their food as healthy as possible by investing in a quality brand of wet cat food. The good thing is that these high-quality products typically cost less than your normal supermarket brands. Feeling overwhelmed? Try our expert advice to make sure your Ragdoll gets the right nutrition on its way to becoming a healthier cat!


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